In order to deliver high quality products on time, we place high demands on our suppliers. We buy components from world-leading global wholesalers and cooperate with specialised companies in the local area. Galfa and Svets & Mekano are two of the Swedish suppliers we work with
When it comes to mass-produced components we need, we turn to world-leading global suppliers. But in order to be able to deliver products according to the specific needs and requirements of our customers, we work with Swedish companies that are good at their business. We care about cooperation. Two of our important suppliers are Galfa, which works with surface treatments, and Svets & Mekano, which manufactures main terminal boxes.
– Galfa and Svets & Mekano make it possible for us to deliver good products to end customers, says Tobias Lindén, site manager at Elektromontage.
Silver plating is the best for products that are to conduct electricity
More than 10 years ago, we started a collaboration with Galfa, which has worked with surface treatments for 50 years. They help us with silver plating of hollow copper rails, for example, for increased protection if they are to stand in a harsh environment, such as in gas.
– Galfa is flexible, responsive and ready to perform at short notice. They are a role model when it comes to service and they are fun to work with.
Tommy Vieweg, CEO of Galfa, tells that they specialise in more advanced surface treatments.
– When it comes to advanced products that must lead electricity, there's nothing better than silver.
He tells us that Galfa and Elektromontage have a good relationship.
– We value order, so does Elektromontage. We always receive good information about what jobs they want done and when. When they deliver goods to us, we have received an indication already and we are prepared, which means that they can get the product back two days later.
Main terminal boxes that can withstand high stresses
Svets & Mekano have specialised in sheet metal and welding details. They manufacture main terminal boxes for Elektromontage which we install electrical equipment in.
Göran Johansson, CEO and partner at Svets & Mekano, tells that we have had a long-term and good cooperation for many years.
– Normally we get drawings. When we build main terminal boxes for Elektromontage, we get a technical specification, an assembly, a sketch and dimensions, and we produce production documents and drawings. Elektromontage then approves the documents before production.